Michael Chernoff

Video Artist | Researcher | Educator

Being A Passenger (2021) Video Essay

Genre: Experimental Documentary
Format: HD Digital Video – Color
Run Time: 3:42 Minutes

Editied together are vehiclular recordings made over a number of days in Niagara, NY and a drawing made in my home studio. The drawing was a recreation of my memory of a drawing I made of a city as a child but whose blurred road is made up by me driving. During our lifetimes we watch objects and look at pictures as a natural technique at all ages. The world imagery passing before the screen of a car’s glass window contains is the same I felt  as child and now as a man. It is fascination, fear, and bewilderment at the state of urban landscapes we know as modern society. The gray wilderness of cities never seems to change. We accept cities as naturally fixed as we wish for the world to change...