Michael Chernoff

Video Artist | Researcher | Educator

Hollows (2024) Video Feedback Installation

Installed during the Psychic Seance hosted by The Psychic Garden
June 21st to the 23rd 2024 Rochester, NY

This installation consisted of a stack of cathode ray monitors wired to 3 video cameras, a media player, and an television tuner. Each box monitor displayed an essential characteristic about television from local broadcasting, to surveillance, visual glitching, static, and instructional graphics. Just like a human watcher, a camcorder is pointed directly at the CRT stack. When a viewer stands for too long in front of the screens a  loud  noise builds up. By blocking the camera whose central video feedback loop and audio output is sent to the center monitor, a harsh wailing sound is also fed back. This sound is due to the path of the camcorder microphone being interupted. The viewer becomes aware and is scared off. Theis line of comunication and watching alerts us that the path of mediation is being blocked. 

Pre-Installation Documentation